Dark Play Party IX.
Jedinečná, najväčšia a najakčnejšia fetish play party, ktorá nemá na Slovensku obdobu
Konať sa bude v Randal clube dňa 30. 9. 2023 (sobota) o 20h na Karpatskej 2 v Bratislave.
Predstavte si bizarný svet, v ktorom stále prežíva otroctvo, stredoveké tresty a rozmary aristokracie. V ktorom je človek odmeňovaný bolesťou a trestaný rozkošou. Svet temný a tajuplný. Vábivý a podmanivý. Miesto, kde sa bolesť mieša so slasťou. Pozývame Vás do neho. Lebo ako bolo povedané, jediný spôsob ako sa zbaviť pokušenia, je poddať sa mu. Dark Play Party je garanciou toho, že sa ráno nebudete chcieť vrátiť do bežnej reality!
Dark Play Party znamená tiež kvalitne vybavenú SM herňu s nástrojmi, množstvo fascinujúcich vystúpení a výbornú hudbu.
Jedná sa o party s uzavretou spoločnosťou.
V prípade otázok nás možte kontaktovat na darkplayparty@gmail.com.
Podmienky :
Dresscode- Latex, lak, koža, uniformy, gothic, korzety, crossdressing, kinky alebo aspoň elegant.
Vyhotovovanie akýchkoľvek foto, video, či zvukových záznamov je zakázané.
Šatňa a priestor na prezlečenie bude k dispozícii.

Predpredaj - 29€

Na mieste- 35€


Dark Play Party
Fetish play party
Slovakia’ s Premier and most action packed fetish play party.
Place Location: Randal Club, Karpatská 2, Bratislava
Date: 30. 9. 2023
Doors open: 8:00-9:00 pm,
Program starts: 9:00 pm
Our Dark Play Party Vol. 9 is getting closer!
Again we warmly invite you to Randal Club, Bratislava, on Saturday September 30th, 2023 for our evening of BDSM and fetish themed performances.
Yield to the temptation of the Darkness and join us at our Dark Play Party in a world where medieval slavery, punishments and aristocratic whims still survive. Where one is rewarded by pain and punished with pleasure. A place where senses combine in an experience so dark, mystic and tempting that we guarantee you won´t want to return to mundane, normal life the morning afterwards.
There is dark music, live SM shows and BDSM workshops/lessons to keep your hedonistic soul entertained.
Facilities include a well equipped playroom, changing room and a cloakroom for your street clothes and alternate costumes.
For everyones' safety, this is a closed party. It is not open to the public and attendance is by invitation or approval only.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via our email, darkplayparty@gmail.com

Ages 18+ only.
Dress code: Latex, lace, leather, uniforms, gothic, corsets, crossdressing, kinky, or formal elegant.
Photography, video or sound recording is strictly prohibited!
Changing facilities will be available.

Price - pre-sale 29€

On the door - 35€

Event Guests
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